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Home > FAQ's > When do I pay a referral fee?
When do I pay a referral fee?
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Sell Side (listings)

A referral fee is due at close of escrow for the referred client who's home the agent sold. The agent can pay us the referral fee through the HUD, or closing statement, or they (or their broker) can mail a check. This pertains to appointments and active leads (non appointments)


Buy Side (purchases)

If the referred client also buys a home with the agent a referral fee is due for that too. This pertains to appointments and active leads (non appointments)



Multiple Sales/Closings/Purchases

If the referred client purchases or sells multiple homes with the referred agent a referral fee is due on each transaction if the transactions are done within 18 months of the last time we referred the client. 


The referral fee is 35% for all transactions unless otherwise noted for appointments, and non-appointment active leads



**SGD Agents**

If the agent is SGD their referral fee is reduced to 30% for all closings regardless of zip code. 

Additionally a referral fee is only due on appointments not active leads if the agent is actively SGD in that zip code. 


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