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Home > FAQ's > Best practice scripts for active and passive referrals
Best practice scripts for active and passive referrals
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Active Referrals

Definition: Active referrals are either a consumer who has selected you from their recommendation report or where scheduled a consultation for an agent to meet the client and the agent was assigned.


At time of agent selection (no appointment set)

“Hi {{Client Name}}, my Name is {{Agent Name}}, I just received your information via and if you’re like most of the clients who come through their site  you’re exploring the option of selling your house, and looking for a little more information into what that would look like. If you don't mind me asking, what brought you to the site?”

Arrival at consultation

“Hi {{Client Name}}, my Name is {{Agent Name}}, I am the local Preferred Agent, and I am here to complete the consultation with you to talk through the value of your home, and what I think the house could sell for if you decide to sell as well as tips on what you could do to help you prepare the home should you decide to sell. 


If you don't mind I would love to start with a quick walk through of the property to ensure I didn't miss anything as part of my valuation…”

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